Quick breather: The group enjoys a break at Telephone Box Junction during the trip to Mt Stirling.
Mt Stirling is a delightful place to visit in any season — it is one of the bushwalking club’s favourites.
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Recently, club walk leader Fiona Tweedie led a group along Mt Stirling ski trails, starting at Telephone Box Junction and finishing at King’s Saddle.
The group members then continued on to Razorback Hut, where they had a break for early lunch.
Fortunately, the day was warm and still, so walking the soft trails beneath tall timber was a wonderful experience.
One of the group even discovered a clump of dark purple bluebells.
Back at Telephone Box Junction, the usual home-baked goodies appeared for a welcome afternoon tea.
A group of young cyclists also on the trail appreciated the offer of muffins!
It was great to meet the club’s new members and take time to chat.
— Bev Thornell